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Taxes & Finances

Glow My Space Free tools for mental health therapists
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Navigating the financial intricacies of a therapy practice is a skill often learned through experience rather than formal education. Many therapists reflect on their journey and wish that financial aspects had been a more prominent part of their training. Whether you're an experienced practitioner looking to refine your financial strategies or a newcomer establishing your practice, understanding the nuances of finances and taxes is paramount for both professional growth and ethical practice.


Our goal is to empower therapists to navigate the financial dimensions of their profession with confidence, providing some basic knowledge that many of us wish we had received during grad school. In this section, we address the crucial topic of finances and taxes tailored specifically for therapists.


The Basics of Tracking Your income

Budgeting isn't just about numbers; it's a powerful tool for cultivating financial mindfulness and reducing stress. For mental health therapists, fostering a healthy relationship with money is integral to sustaining a fulfilling professional life. Understanding your financial inflows and outflows lays the groundwork for crafting a balanced budget that can align with your values, goals, and priorities.


By tracking your finances, you can identify patterns and habits in your spending. This self-awareness allows you to make intentional choices about where your money goes, ensuring that it supports your well-being.

It is crucial to maintain a detailed record of all your income sources, including your therapy practice, salary, and any additional sources of income. Effective budgeting also includes to categorize your expenses clearly. If you are running your own private practice or business, make sure to create separate records for it.

Consider using financial tracking tools or apps to streamline the process. Many user-friendly apps can automatically categorize transactions, providing you with a clear overview of your spending habits. Set aside regular times to review your financial records. This could be a weekly or monthly check-in to ensure you stay on top of your financial awareness.

Engage with fellow therapists and share insights on effective ways to track finances. Collaborative learning within our community enhances financial literacy, something that we many feel was neglected in our educational programs. 

Always remember to celebrate the progress you make in your financial journey. Small steps lead to significant transformations, and acknowledging your achievements fosters a positive relationship with money.


Because many readers may be in the beginning stages of finance learning, we will start with an example of how a therapist, let's call her Dr. Smith, might maintain a detailed record of her income sources:

1. Identify Various Income Sources:
Dr. Smith works as a licensed therapist in a private practice, where she sees individual clients.
She also conducts workshops on mental health topics, receiving honorariums for her presentations.
Additionally, she earns income as a part-time consultant for a mental health organization.

2. Create a Spreadsheet:
Dr. Smith maintains a dedicated spreadsheet for her income tracking.
In this spreadsheet, she has separate columns for each income source: Private Practice, Workshops, and Consultancy.
Each row corresponds to a specific source of income for a particular date.


3. Record Income Details:
Under the "Private Practice" column, Dr. Smith records income details from client sessions. This includes the client's name, date of session, and the amount billed.
In the "Workshops" column, she notes the details of each workshop, including the organization's name, date, and the honorarium received.
For the "Consultancy" column, Dr. Smith records details of her consulting work, such as the organization's name, the nature of the consultancy, and the associated income.


4. Update Regularly:
Dr. Smith commits to updating her income spreadsheet regularly. After each client session, workshop, or consultancy project, she promptly records the relevant information. This ensures that the spreadsheet remains an accurate reflection of her ongoing income.


5. Review and Analysis:
At regular intervals (e.g., monthly), Dr. Smith reviews her income spreadsheet. She analyzes trends, identifying peak times for client  sessions or periods when consultancy projects are more prevalent. This analysis helps her make informed decisions about resource allocation and business strategies.


6. Adjustment and Planning:
Based on her review, Dr. Smith may adjust her schedule, marketing efforts, or workshop topics to maximize income during peak periods.
She uses the insights gained from her income tracking to plan for future financial goals, such as saving for professional development or investments.


By maintaining a detailed record of her income sources in this structured manner, Dr. Smith not only ensures financial transparency but also gains valuable insights into the patterns and trends of her income. This empowers her to make informed decisions to enhance both her financial well-being and the success of her therapeutic practice.



Dr. Smith's record may look like this:


Glow My Space Free tolls for mental health therapists

You may create a spreadsheet using software like Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or any other spreadsheet tool. If you are not sure of how to use a software, you can handwrite your spreadsheet. If you get enthusiastic, you may also create a bar chart or graph using Excel or a graphic design tool. Use different colors for each income source, and represent the income amount for each date with bars or data points. Graphics can be a powerful way to convey complex information visually.



Navigating Expense Tracking for Therapists


Efficiently tracking your expenses is a key element of financial empowerment. If you run a private practice, it's crucial to separate personal and business expenses. Maintain distinct accounts and use separate cards for business-related transactions. This not only simplifies tracking but also facilitates financial transparency for tax purposes.

In our digital age, many expenses generate digital receipts. Use digital tools to store and organize your receipts electronically. This not only reduces paper clutter but also provides easy access to documentation during tax season. If you cannot afford any paid digital tool, you may take a screenshot of the digital receipt you have received or scan a paper receipt and create an album with these pictures inside your cellphone. 


Develop a routine for logging expenses regularly. Whether it's a daily, weekly, or monthly practice, consistency is key. Recording expenses promptly not only ensures accuracy but also allows you to identify patterns in your spending habits.


Consider leveraging financial management tools or apps designed for expense tracking. These tools can streamline the process and provide a centralized platform to monitor your spending. Many apps allow you to categorize expenses automatically, saving you time and ensuring accuracy. If you are unable to afford the extra expense of an app, or prefer a hands-on, manual method for tracking expenses, the following may help you:


1. Create Expense Categories:
Start by outlining clear categories that resonate with your professional and personal spending. Example: Office Supplies, Continuing Education, Marketing Materials, Professional Memberships, etc. 


You can access a free printable tracker for private practice expenses here  

2. Design a Simple Spreadsheet:
You may craft a straightforward spreadsheet for your expenses by hand or using software like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. Design columns including expense category, vendor, date, and amount. This manual log serves as your personalized financial journal.


3. Log Expenses Regularly:
Commit to logging your expenses consistently. Allocate time weekly or monthly to update your spreadsheet with details of each expense. This hands-on approach ensures real-time awareness of your personal and professional financial landscape.


4. Keep Physical Receipts:
If you receive paper receipts, designate a specific space to store them. An accordion file or a dedicated folder can help you organize physical receipts corresponding to each expense category. Consider labeling each section for easy retrieval.


5. Embrace the Power of Notes:
Alongside each expense entry, add brief notes to capture contextual details. This can include the purpose of the expense, any noteworthy observations, or potential tax implications. Detailed notes offer valuable insights during financial reviews. This can be extremely helpful when it's time to prepare your tax returns. 


6. Calculate Totals Regularly:
Periodically calculate totals for each expense category and overall spending. This manual tally provides a tangible overview of your financial patterns, allowing you to make informed decisions about your budget and financial goals.


7. Reconcile with Bank Statements:
Regularly reconcile your manual expense log with your bank statements. This reconciliation ensures accuracy and identifies any discrepancies that may require attention. Consistent reconciliation is key to maintaining financial transparency.


8. Personalize Your System:
Your manual expense tracking system is a personal reflection of your financial journey. Feel free to customize it further based on your preferences. Add color-coding, charts, or additional columns that align with your organizational style.


9. Celebrate Financial Milestones:
As you track your expenses manually, take a moment to celebrate financial milestones. Acknowledge your achievements, whether it's staying within budget, achieving savings goals, or making strategic financial decisions.

When working on your finances, you may define short-term and long-term financial goals. Whether it's saving for professional development or planning a dream vacation, goals provide purpose to your budget. Prioritize building an emergency fund for unexpected expenses. This safety net offers peace of mind during unforeseen circumstances.



Financial Planning: Investing in Your Future Well-Being

Financial Planning is the compass that guides you toward a secure and prosperous future. As a mental health therapist, investing in financial planning lays the groundwork for a sustainable and fulfilling career.


The following, are essential components of financial planning. 

Retirement Planning: Ensure your financial well-being in the long run by contributing to retirement plans and exploring investment options.


Start by assessing your current financial situation. Understand your income, expenses, and debts. Having a clear picture of your financial landscape is the first step towards making informed decisions about your retirement.


Investigate retirement account options available to you. Common options include:


  • 401(k): If your employer offers a 401(k), consider contributing regularly. Take advantage of any employer matching contributions to maximize your retirement savings.

  • IRA (Individual Retirement Account): Explore traditional and Roth IRAs based on your financial goals and tax considerations.

  • SEP IRA or SIMPLE IRA: If you're a private practitioner or a small business owner, explore these options designed for self-employed individuals.


Set a realistic contribution plan that aligns with your financial goals. Consistent contributions over time can significantly impact your retirement savings. Automate contributions where possible to ensure consistency.


Diversification is key to managing risk. Explore diverse investment options within your retirement accounts, such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Consult with a financial advisor to create a well-balanced and diversified portfolio.


Understand the tax implications of your retirement contributions. Contributions to certain retirement accounts, like a traditional 401(k) or traditional IRA, may offer tax advantages. Stay informed about potential tax benefits to optimize your retirement savings strategy.


Consider your retirement timeline and plan accordingly. Assess when you want to retire and how much income you'll need in retirement. Planning for the long term allows you to make strategic decisions about your savings and investment strategy.


Life circumstances change, and so should your retirement plan. Regularly reassess your financial goals, income, and retirement needs. Adjust your contribution plan and investment strategy as needed to stay on track with your retirement objectives.


Retirement planning can be complex, especially with evolving financial markets. Consider consulting with a financial advisor who understands the unique challenges and opportunities for mental health therapists. A professional can offer personalized insights tailored to your specific circumstances.


Insurance Coverage: Safeguard your financial health with comprehensive insurance coverage, including health, life, and professional liability insurance.


Comprehensive insurance coverage is a cornerstone of your professional and personal well-being. This guide is crafted specifically for mental health therapists, offering insights on the types of insurance coverage that can provide you with peace of mind.


Your well-being is paramount. Invest in a robust health insurance plan that covers your medical needs. Consider factors like deductibles, co-payments, and coverage for mental health services. Prioritize a plan that aligns with your health requirements and financial capacity.


Life insurance provides a safety net for your loved ones in unforeseen circumstances. Assess your financial responsibilities and consider a life insurance policy that adequately covers your debts, funeral expenses, and provides financial support for your family. Consult with a financial advisor to determine the appropriate coverage for your situation.


Protect your practice with professional liability insurance, also known as malpractice insurance. This coverage safeguards you in the event of legal claims related to professional negligence or malpractice. It's a crucial component of risk management for mental health practitioners.


Your ability to work is a valuable asset. Disability insurance ensures financial stability in case you are unable to work due to injury or illness. Explore disability insurance options that provide income replacement, allowing you to focus on recovery without compromising your financial health.


If you operate a private practice, consider a Business Owner's Policy. BOP combines general liability insurance and property insurance, offering protection against property damage, legal claims, and potential business interruptions. It's a comprehensive solution tailored for small businesses.


In our digital age, protecting sensitive client information is paramount. Cyber liability insurance helps cover the financial consequences of data breaches. Invest in cyber liability insurance to mitigate the risks associated with cyber threats.


Life evolves, and so do your insurance needs. Periodically reassess your coverage to ensure it aligns with your current circumstances. Changes in your practice, family situation, or health may necessitate adjustments to your insurance policies.


Navigating the intricacies of insurance can be challenging. Seek guidance from insurance professionals who specialize in serving mental health practitioners. They can provide tailored advice, helping you make informed decisions about your coverage.



Debt Management: Address and manage any existing debts strategically to reduce financial burdens.


Start by gaining a comprehensive understanding of your debts. Identify all outstanding balances, including school loans, credit cards, and any other loans. Knowing the full scope of your debt is the first step toward effective management.


If you have multiple debts, prioritize those with higher interest rates. Paying off high-interest debts first can save you money in the long run and accelerate your journey to debt freedom. Consider allocating extra funds to these debts while maintaining minimum payments on others.


Establishing a realistic budget is crucial for effective debt management. Clearly outline your monthly income and expenses, allocating a portion to debt repayment. A well-structured budget helps you identify areas where you can cut back and direct more funds toward debt reduction.


For therapists managing school loan debts, explore the repayment options available. Federal student loans often offer income-driven repayment plans that can be adjusted based on your income. Investigate whether refinancing is a viable option, potentially reducing interest rates and monthly payments.


Building an emergency fund is a vital aspect of debt management. Having a financial cushion can prevent you from accumulating more debt in case of unexpected expenses. Aim for at least three to six months' worth of living expenses in your emergency fund.


If navigating your debts feels overwhelming, consider consulting with a financial advisor. Professionals can provide personalized advice, helping you create a tailored debt management strategy. They may also assist in exploring debt consolidation options or negotiating more favorable terms with creditors.


Establish achievable milestones for debt repayment. Celebrate small victories along the way to stay motivated. Breaking down your debt reduction into manageable goals makes the process more tangible and less daunting.


Consistency is crucial in debt management. Stick to your budget, make timely payments, and stay committed to your financial goals. Small, regular efforts can lead to significant progress over time.


Professional Development Fund: Allocating resources for ongoing professional development is not just an investment in your skills; it's a commitment to your career growth, job satisfaction, and the well-being of those you serve.


Ongoing learning ensures you stay abreast of the latest research, interventions, and best practices, ultimately enhancing the quality of care you provide.


Set aside a dedicated budget for professional development. This can be a percentage of your income or a fixed amount. Having a designated fund signals a commitment to your ongoing growth and provides financial clarity for your learning endeavors.


Define your professional learning goals. Consider areas where you want to deepen your expertise, explore new modalities, or gain additional certifications. Having clear goals helps you allocate resources effectively and ensures your learning aligns with your career aspirations.


Research and explore various training opportunities, workshops, conferences, and courses relevant to your practice. Look for events that not only enhance your clinical skills but also contribute to your overall professional development and job satisfaction.


Some of the most valuable learning experiences come from collaboration and networking. Allocate part of your fund for attending conferences or workshops that facilitate connections with fellow professionals. Networking can open doors to mentorship opportunities and collaborative projects.


Maintain a record of your professional development activities. Document the skills acquired, certifications earned, and the impact on your practice. This documentation not only serves as a valuable resource for your career but can also be useful for licensure requirements.


You can access a free printable CEU & training tracker here.


If you're employed, explore whether your workplace offers any professional development support. Some employers may contribute to or fully cover the costs of relevant training. Collaborating with your employer can stretch your professional development fund even further.


A Professional Development Fund is not just a financial allocation; it's a commitment to excellence and a testament to your dedication to providing the best possible care to your clients. At Glow My Space, we encourage therapists to embrace the transformative power of ongoing learning. Let your Professional Development Fund be a catalyst for your personal and professional growth. If you have budget constrains, search for free CEUs and trainings.



Navigating Professional Taxes as a Therapist


This guide is tailored to help you navigate the tax landscape effectively, ensuring compliance and maximizing your financial well-being.


As a mental health therapist, your tax status may vary based on your employment arrangement. Whether you're an employee, self-employed, or a private practice owner, understanding your tax status is fundamental to meeting your tax obligations.


As we emphasized above, it is important to maintain meticulous records of your income, expenses, and any potential deductions. This includes records of client sessions, business-related expenses, and receipts. Organized records streamline the tax preparation process and help you take advantage of available deductions.


If you're a private practitioner or operate a small business, keep your personal and business finances separate. Maintain a dedicated business bank account and credit card. This separation not only simplifies accounting but also ensures accurate reporting for tax purposes.


Tax laws can be complex, and seeking professional advice from a certified tax professional or accountant is invaluable. A tax professional can provide personalized guidance, help you identify potential deductions, and ensure compliance with tax regulations.


Many therapists engage in preparing their own tax returns to save money. Sometimes, a tax professional may help you save much more money than the amount you save by doing your own taxes. I have personally seen this a million times. Tax laws undergo regular updates and changes. Tax specialists are informed about any alterations to tax regulations that may impact your practice.


It is also important to note that some therapists had negative experiences with tax professionals and this has prompted them to learn how to prepare their own taxes. If that's your case, we encourage you to find blogs of tax professionals that will keep you up to date. 


If you are self-employed or have a private practice, consider making quarterly estimated tax payments. This helps you avoid a significant tax bill at the end of the year and ensures you stay current with your tax obligations.


Therapists may be eligible for various tax deductions related to their practice. It's important to consult with a tax professional for personalized advice, but here's a general list of potential tax-deductible expenses for therapists:


  1. Office Expenses:

    • Rent or lease payments for your office space

    • Utilities, including electricity, water, and internet

    • Office supplies (paper, pens, printer ink, etc.)

    • Furniture and equipment for your office

  2. Professional Memberships and Subscriptions:

    • Membership fees for professional organizations

    • Subscriptions to professional journals or publications

  3. Insurance Premiums:

    • Professional liability insurance premiums

  4. Continuing Education:

    • Costs associated with continuing education courses and workshops

  5. Marketing and Advertising:

    • Expenses related to marketing your practice, such as business cards, flyers, or online ads

  6. Software and Technology:

    • Fees for therapy-related software

    • Costs associated with maintaining a professional website

  7. Travel Expenses:

    • Mileage or transportation costs for business-related travel

    • Accommodation expenses for conferences or training sessions

  8. Client-related Expenses:

    • Materials or resources provided to clients during sessions

    • Any client-related expenses that are essential for the therapy process

  9. Telephone Expenses:

    • Costs associated with business-related phone calls

    • Part of your phone bill if you use your personal phone for business

  10. Home Office Deduction:

    • If you have a dedicated home office space, you may be eligible for a home office deduction, which can include a portion of rent or mortgage, utilities, and maintenance.

  11. Retirement Contributions:

    • Contributions to retirement accounts, such as a Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) IRA or solo 401(k)

  12. Health Savings Account (HSA) Contributions:

    • Contributions to an HSA if you have a high-deductible health plan

  13. Tax Preparation Fees:

    • Fees paid to a tax professional for preparing your business taxes

  14. Depreciation:

    • Depreciation on business equipment and property

  15. Business-related Meals and Entertainment:

    • Costs associated with meals or entertainment directly related to your business activities




Taxes: Tips and Support for Therapists



Glow My Space is here to support you on your journey to financial well-being because we believe that your financial health is an essential component of your overall glow.


To provide you with free tax tips, we are incorporating to our blog the weekly articles of our trusted tax professional. ​If you want to receive the articles, please make sure to subscribe to our blog or to follow us on Social media.


The IRS terminology is very specific. If you want to understand the meaning of a specific term when dealing with tax related matters, we are adding in here the IRS glossary for easy access. 



To search for IRS tax terms alphabetically click here


To visit the official IRS website directly without clicking on a spam or the wrong website click here.  


Fellow therapists, if you want to explore your relationship with money click here.

To explore all other areas of practice as a therapist 

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