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Hobbies for Therapists:
Increasing Self-care

Glow My Space Free tools for mental health therapists

In the demanding field of mental health therapy, where the emotional well-being of others is at the forefront, the pursuit of effective self-care strategies becomes paramount. The nature of therapeutic work involves navigating through the intricacies of human emotions, providing support, and facilitating healing—a noble yet challenging endeavor. Amidst the profound and meaningful interactions with clients, therapists often find themselves immersed in the emotional intensity of their work, and the need for respite and rejuvenation becomes crucial.


One often overlooked but undeniably powerful avenue for therapists to replenish their emotional reserves and foster their own well-being is the embracing of hobbies. Hobbies are not merely indulgent pastimes; they serve as a lifeline, offering a therapeutic escape from the demands and pressures of the counseling room. Engaging in activities that resonate with personal interests and passions not only provides a much-needed break but also contributes significantly to the cultivation of a robust and sustainable work-life balance.


The integration of hobbies into a therapist's routine goes beyond being a leisurely pursuit—it becomes a deliberate act of self-care. These activities act as anchors, grounding therapists in the present moment and allowing them to temporarily step away from the complexities of their professional responsibilities. This intentional break serves as a mental reset, fostering a sense of relaxation and rejuvenation that is essential for maintaining resilience in the face of emotional challenges.


Whether it's the soothing strokes of a paintbrush on canvas, the therapeutic rhythm of cultivating a garden, the immersive world of a captivating book, or the mindful practice of yoga, each hobby holds the potential to contribute to a therapist's overall well-being. These activities provide a counterbalance to the emotional demands of the profession, allowing therapists to navigate the delicate balance between empathy and detachment, compassion fatigue, and resilience.



Hobby Ideas for Mental Health Therapists:


Let's explore various hobbies that therapists can integrate into their lives. These activities are not just sources of entertainment; they are avenues for self-discovery, personal expression, and the cultivation of joy. By actively participating in hobbies, therapists can tap into a wellspring of creativity, find solace in moments of introspection, and develop a renewed appreciation for the beauty of life outside the therapeutic setting.



​(We are adding explanations to help you understand how each hobby might be beneficial for your mental health and well-being)


Painting: The act of painting allows therapists to express their emotions visually, serving as a cathartic and creative outlet that enhances self-expression and stress relief.


Gardening: Cultivating a garden provides therapists with a therapeutic connection to nature, promoting mindfulness, stress reduction, and a sense of accomplishment through nurturing living things.


Writing: Whether journaling or creative writing, this hobby encourages therapists to process their thoughts, emotions, and professional experiences, fostering self-reflection and enhanced emotional resilience.


Hiking: Engaging in outdoor activities like hiking not only provides physical exercise but also offers a meditative experience, promoting mental clarity and stress reduction.


Photography: Capturing moments through photography encourages therapists to focus on the beauty around them, fostering mindfulness and an appreciation for the present.


Yoga: The combination of physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation in yoga promotes relaxation, stress reduction, and improved physical well-being.


Meditation: Incorporating meditation into daily routines aids therapists in managing stress, enhancing focus, and cultivating a sense of inner peace.


Playing a musical instrument: Learning or playing music stimulates the brain, provides emotional expression, and serves as a therapeutic release for accumulated stress.


Cooking: Engaging in the culinary arts allows therapists to be present in the moment, promoting mindfulness, creativity, and the enjoyment of a tangible outcome.


Reading: Immerse yourself in literature to escape from the demands of work, fostering relaxation and providing a mental break.


Knitting or crocheting: The repetitive and rhythmic nature of these crafts induces a meditative state, promoting relaxation and stress reduction.


Birdwatching: Observing birds in their natural habitat encourages mindfulness, connecting therapists to the present moment and promoting a sense of tranquility.


Pottery: Working with clay provides a tactile and creative outlet, fostering a sense of accomplishment and mindfulness.


Volunteering: Giving back to the community enhances feelings of purpose, connectedness, and compassion, benefiting both the therapist and those they serve.


Scrapbooking: Creating visual narratives helps therapists preserve positive memories, fostering a sense of gratitude and accomplishment.


Playing board games: Engaging in strategic thinking and social interaction promotes cognitive stimulation and stress relief.


Sculpting: Similar to pottery, sculpting allows therapists to work with materials creatively, promoting mindfulness and artistic expression.


Dancing: Physical activity through dance promotes stress reduction, boosts mood, and allows for creative self-expression.


Fishing: Spending time in nature, being patient, and enjoying the meditative aspects of fishing can promote relaxation and stress relief.


Traveling: Exploring new places provides a break from routine, broadening perspectives, and promoting a sense of adventure and curiosity.


Biking: Enjoying the outdoors while engaging in physical activity promotes both physical and mental well-being.


Calligraphy: Engaging in the art of beautiful writing is a mindful practice that encourages focus and creative expression.


Playing chess: Strategic thinking and concentration in chess provide a mental workout, promoting cognitive stimulation.


Geocaching: Combining outdoor exploration with treasure hunting fosters a sense of adventure and curiosity.


Sewing: Creating with fabric provides a tactile and meditative experience, promoting relaxation and creativity.


Rock climbing: The physical and mental challenges of rock climbing promote resilience, problem-solving, and stress relief.


Origami: The precision and focus required for origami offer a mindful and relaxing activity.


Journaling: Reflecting on personal and professional experiences in a journal fosters self-awareness and emotional processing.


Mindfulness coloring: Coloring activities promote relaxation and focus, serving as a simple yet effective mindfulness practice.


Astronomy: Stargazing encourages therapists to appreciate the vastness of the universe, fostering a sense of awe and perspective.


Playing a sport (e.g., tennis, basketball): Engaging in physical activity through sports promotes cardiovascular health and releases endorphins.


Woodworking: Crafting with wood provides a hands-on, creative outlet that promotes focus and a sense of accomplishment.


Playing video games: Strategic thinking and immersive experiences in video games can serve as a fun and engaging way to unwind.


Joining a book club: Engaging in discussions with peers about literature fosters social connections and promotes intellectual stimulation.


Horseback riding: Connecting with animals and engaging in physical activity while horseback riding can be both therapeutic and enjoyable.


Learning a new language: The cognitive challenges of language learning promote brain health and provide a sense of accomplishment.


Potluck dinner parties: Socializing with friends through potluck dinners fosters community, connection, and a break from professional settings.


Archery: The precision and focus required in archery provide a meditative and stress-relieving experience.


DIY home projects: Engaging in creative home projects fosters a sense of accomplishment and personalization of living spaces.


Learning to code: The intellectual challenge of coding promotes problem-solving skills and cognitive stimulation.


Collecting (stamps, coins, etc.): Collecting promotes focus, organization, and the joy of building a curated collection.


Swimming: The rhythmic and meditative nature of swimming promotes physical fitness and stress relief.


Puzzles (crossword, jigsaw): Puzzle-solving activities stimulate the brain, promoting cognitive health and focus.


Wine tasting: Exploring different wines encourages mindfulness and sensory enjoyment (of course, in moderation).


Camping: Immersing oneself in nature during camping trips fosters a sense of adventure and relaxation.


Playing trivia: Engaging in trivia games promotes knowledge sharing and friendly competition, fostering a social atmosphere.


Ziplining: Participating in adventurous activities like ziplining promotes a sense of exhilaration and overcoming fears.


Playing a team sport (e.g., soccer, volleyball): Engaging in team sports promotes physical fitness, teamwork, and social connections.


Karaoke: Singing and socializing through karaoke provides a fun and stress-relieving outlet.


Building model airplanes or cars: Engaging in model-building activities fosters patience, focus, and a sense of accomplishment.


Playing pool or billiards: The strategic and social aspects of pool promote relaxation and friendly competition.


Surfing: Riding waves and connecting with the ocean promotes physical fitness and a sense of adventure.


Virtual reality experiences: Immersive virtual experiences offer a unique escape and can be a source of entertainment and relaxation.


Acting or improv: Participating in acting or improv activities fosters creativity and spontaneity.

Playing darts: Precision and focus in playing darts provide a meditative and stress-relieving experience, promoting concentration and accuracy.


Going to comedy shows: Enjoying comedy shows provides a lighthearted and entertaining break, promoting laughter and stress relief.


Salsa dancing: Participating in dance activities like salsa dancing promotes physical fitness, self-expression, and social interaction.


Learning photography editing: Enhancing photography skills through editing fosters creativity, attention to detail, and a sense of accomplishment.


DIY crafts: Engaging in do-it-yourself crafts allows therapists to express creativity, providing a tangible outlet for artistic expression and stress relief.


Going to live concerts: Attending live concerts offers a sensory-rich experience, promoting enjoyment of music and social engagement.


Board game cafe meetups: Socializing through board games in a cafe setting fosters community, intellectual stimulation, and a break from routine.


Cooking classes: Participating in cooking classes allows therapists to learn new skills, fostering creativity and the enjoyment of culinary arts.


Stand-up paddleboarding: Engaging in paddleboarding combines physical activity with mindfulness, promoting balance, and relaxation.


Tai Chi: The slow, deliberate movements of Tai Chi promote mindfulness, balance, and stress reduction.


Decoration: Engaging in home decor projects allows therapists to personalize their living spaces, promoting creativity and a sense of accomplishment.


Indoor rock climbing: The physical and mental challenges of indoor rock climbing promote resilience, problem-solving, and stress relief.


Volunteering at an animal shelter: Contributing time to caring for animals fosters a sense of compassion, purpose, and stress relief.


Joining a running club: Participating in a running club fosters physical fitness, social connections, and the joy of a shared activity.


Skiing or snowboarding: Engaging in winter sports provides an exhilarating physical activity, promoting outdoor enjoyment and a sense of adventure.


Joining a choir: Participating in a choir fosters social connections, emotional expression, and the joy of collective musical creation.


DIY natural beauty product making: Creating natural beauty products promotes self-care, creativity, and the enjoyment of a personalized skincare routine.


Playing a tabletop game: ( ex. ping-pong). Engaging in tabletop games offers a social and strategic activity, promoting cognitive stimulation and relaxation.


Bowling: Bowling provides a casual and enjoyable social activity, promoting friendly competition and stress relief.


Beachcombing: Exploring beaches and collecting treasures fosters a connection to nature, mindfulness, and relaxation.


Wine and paint nights: Combining wine tasting with artistic expression fosters a relaxed and social environment, promoting creativity and enjoyment.


Ice skating: Engaging in ice skating combines physical activity with enjoyment, fostering balance and relaxation.


Going to film festivals: Attending film festivals offers a cultural experience, promoting enjoyment of cinema and social engagement.


Rollerblading: Rollerblading provides a fun and active form of exercise, promoting physical fitness and outdoor enjoyment.


Scuba diving: Engaging in scuba diving combines adventure with underwater exploration, fostering a sense of awe and excitement.


Learning to fly a drone: Mastering drone flying offers a technological and adventurous hobby, promoting skill development and enjoyment of aerial perspectives.




Remember, the goal is to engage in activities that bring joy, relaxation, and fulfillment. Choose activities based on your personal interests and preferences. Your well-being is essential for providing effective care to others. Embracing hobbies allows you to step back, recharge, and approach your therapeutic work with renewed energy and enthusiasm.


At Glow My Space, we would be excited to hear that you have been inspired to start your journey of self-nurturing through a new hobby. What new hobby are you going to try this year?


Explore other hobbies that involve physical activity 

To explore other areas of self-care as a therapist 

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